Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Trololo-ing along........

Roger showed me this video a few weeks ago.  I HATED the song at first.  But then, he walked around for a week singing this song baritone, and it kind of grew on me.  So, this is the song of the day.....

Today was a great day.  We took a drive to visit my grandparents.  We also checked on our grenadilla plants.  Here's what a grenadilla looks like:

I'm told it's like a passion fruit.  You suck out those jelly-surrounded seeds.  Super sweet and yummy.  I tried to smuggle some in from Peru, but customs nabbed me.  However, about two months ago, I got some seeds.  I asked Roger to ask my Papa to help him plant them, but he couldn't find him outside, so he just decided to dump ALL the seeds in a little pot, half filled with dirt.  Then, to make sure no one found them, he hid the pot under the shed. When I discovered this, I had to explain that the seeds probably wouldn't sprout in the dark.....LOL.  So, my granddad, who has the best green thumb ever, is now the guardian of the pot.  Today, we have about twelve two inch sprouts.  I figure if they survive the cold, we'll have fruit in about 5 years.

That's all for now.  Stay warm.

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