Monday, November 5, 2012


I'm super excited about this weekend.  My aunt, uncle and cousin are coming down from Fayetteville on Thursday night to visit my grandparents; and Roger's sister, brother-in-law, and nieces are coming to stay with us Friday through Monday.

It's a good thing.  I think I might go crazy if I have to sit here one more day and listen to CNN on the TV or Roger's Civil War Music CD's he checked out from the library.  I had to send him to get check the mail twice today just so I could listen to something else.

Any, another great feat for me today- I haggled.  I hate negotiating and bargaining for prices. Hate it, hate it, hate it.  However, I had inquired about an antique dining room table at The Picker's Market yesterday, and the owner called me back with the price.  It was exactly $2 less than I anticipated.  I was stoked.  I hung up the phone with her and turned to tell Roger the good news and the first thing he said was, "Did you ask for a lower price?" WTFHUHERH!!!!!! (Don't know what that's an acronym for, but I'm sure it's appropriate.)  I immediately started pouting....... "What?", I said/shouted.  "You know I hate haggling.  YOU call her back. Now I have to feel bad!"  "No, Doanyelle," he says, ever patient.  "It's o.k.  We'll go get the table tomorrow.  It just doesn't hurt to ask...."  WTFHURERHE!!!!!  So, I called her back and haggled.  I got the price down from by $30.  Go me!  (I still didn't like doing it though.....)

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