Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy, Happy

I'm not going to write about my challenges substituting for 8th grade Reading.  Instead, here's today's song:

Too Much Booty in the Pants. I have too much booty in my pants, along with too much thighs in my pants, and too much  belly fat in my pants, etc. And, the older I get the more gravity has its effects on me. And now, when we go to bed, I find that I have to prop-up or support most of my body parts to keep from aching in the morning. So by the time everything is in it's place, Roger finds himself at least three pillows away. We can barely touch fingers. But he's such a good sport about it.

 He did our Thanksgiving shopping while I was at school today. We didn't end up with a turducken, but we have marshmallows, and that's all that matters.

And, the Rosetta Stone crashed tonight. Not sure what happened. I got a 98% re-doing lessons one and two, so I don't think I blew it up.

 Four days until Men Without Hats. :)

 Bye for now.

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