Thursday, November 22, 2012

This Thanksgiving.......

So after reflecting for the last few hours during my nap, here's what I'm most thankful for at this moment.  These aren't in any particular order- just the order in which I thought of them.
1.  I'm happy that my husband still wants to hug and kiss me and tell me he loves me every hour each day;
2.  I'm thankful that I live somewhere that has cool weather.  It stinks being hot every day!
3.  I'm thankful that I have several good friends that even though we don't talk every day or see each other much, I know they are always there for me.
4.  I'm thankful that my brother just came home safe from Afghanistan.
5.  I'm thankful for Depeche Mode, Magic Shell, and Heel Tastic.
6.  I'm thankful for new experiences every day!  Life is a Grand Adventure!


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