Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Message For Me, From God

Last night, Roger found me on the couch in tears (this always overwhelms him).  When he asked what was wrong, I explained that I had been sitting here looking at Facebook, and I see all the people I went to school with, who finished school, got higher degrees, married another classmate, have successful careers and 2.5 beautiful children.

I also expressed how sad I am that I can't pay for Alex to go to college, or to get a new car.  Plus the fact that I thought I was a valuable employee, but now doubt myself for the lack of meaningful employment. Heck, I feel like I'm a total failure.

He said some kind, encouraging words, then we watched Simon Birch, because that always makes me feel better.

Well, when we got to church today, it turns out that God had a special message for me during the sermon.  I learned how we cannot live a FULL life, if we spend all our time in the past, regretting what might have been (or what was not), or in the future (what might happen).  It was such a great message about living your life to the fullest, appreciating what you have now, becoming the best you can be now with what you have, so you can truly walk with God.  How startling that this message comes just hours after I sat dwelling about all the things I did wrong in my life.

God is Good.

Here's some pictures I took in downtown Jax on the way home.

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