Sunday, December 16, 2012

What a blah day....

Well, I'm finally done with the spare room that turned into a giant, messy closet.  I made the mistake of dumping whatever was in my arms when I walked in the door each day on the bed.  It was like when you clean out your purse, and just dump the contents in a bag, times 100.

Anyway, I finally have a neat, organized space for Roger's mother and brother to sleep tomorrow night.

The only remotely exciting thing I did all day was make bread pudding for the first time.  I found a pretty good recipe that called for Panettone (some weird Italian bread with raisins and some kind of nuts) instead of stale bread.  I also used brandy in the sauce.  Not bad.

Tomorrow I start my new job.  I'm really nervous.  My confidence level is pretty low since it took me 3 months to find work.  I hope I love it (and they love me).

So, in order to have something happy to post for today, here is my favorite joke of all time:

The National Poetry Contest had come down to two contestants-  a Yale graduate and a redneck from Texas.  They were given a word, and were then allowed two minutes to come up with a poem using the word.  The word they were given was Timbuktu.

First to recite his poem was the Yale graduate.  He stepped to the microphone and said:

     Far across the desert sand
     Trekked a lonely caravan.
     Men on camels, two by two;
     Destination Timbuktu.

The crowd went wild.  They were confident he had won.  They thought there was no way the redneck could top that.

The redneck calmly stepped to the microphone and recited:

     Me and Tim a huntin' went.
     Met three whores in a pop-up tent.
     They was three and we was two;
     So I bucked one and Timbuk two.

The redneck won, hands down.

Happy Sunday.  Let's pray for a great week.

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