Friday, December 14, 2012

For Shame.......

Today started out pretty well.  I was finally hired for a desirable banking position.  I start Monday.

Roger and I decided to celebrate by spending the afternoon out.  We had a great Cajun lunch, and then he took me to Peterbrooke Chocolates.  We ended the afternoon by watching the Hobbit.  I was super bummed because I left to get a popcorn refill and missed the end of the movie (they hadn't completed the mission they set out for, so I thought I had time.... wrong....).

Then we got in the car and I learned the concierge had to enter our apartment to put a perishable package in our fridge that we received.  Yikes!  I haven't cleaned very well for the last two weeks and had been using our extra bedroom as a catch-all room and the floor to sort laundry.  (Remember, our bedrooms don't have doors.)  Sigh.......

Then I checked my phone and found an email from our church, asking everyone to pray for those who were killed today at the Sandy Hook Elementary school.  I couldn't help but sit there in the car and cry in silence.   All I could feel is shame and grief.

Shame on me for letting a movie or messy apartment upset me when there are 26 families who did not have a love one come home from ELEMENTARY SCHOOL today.  What's wrong with me?  What's wrong with people?  What's wrong with this country?

I don't want to turn on the T.V. or radio anymore.  There hasn't been a day this week that I didn't hear about a senseless murder.  I think we had three or four fatal shootings within 20 miles of our home just in the last 4 or 5 days.

And, to hear on the news about how hard it is to get into elementary schools in America enrages me.  That's not true.  I know this from being a substitute teacher.  I've only been to two schools that were locked or had a buzzer and camera.

And, I have the deepest grief as I think about all the young students I saw this week, who were so excited for the Christmas break, and the holiday parties, and the extra crafts they made as gifts, and the break to spend with their families.  Little, precious children with runny noses, shirts smeared with dirt and paint, eager faces and happy hearts.  And then for those families in Connecticut, whose lives are changed forever.

For shame.........

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