Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mean People Suck

Happy Saturday.  Here's the song of the day.  It's worth listening to, even if you don't like Depeche Mode:
Today was much happier than yesterday, even though I started my day losing a wrestling match to Roger, and the result was a large red suction mark with teeth on the side of my left cheek.  I look ridiculous.  It doesn't look like a hickey, just a giant red circle with teeth marks.  Sigh.  Only Roger.  "What?", he said.  "You don't like my kisses?"  That's also what he said the time he licked my entire face while holding down my arms when I lost a different wrestling match.  I need to start lifting weights.

I guess this was all fair, because I told him last week that I love him so much and I want him to live a long time, so I would check his prostate for him while he was sleeping.  He's slept on his side, facing me every since.  Have to keep him on his toes.....

Anyway, we thought we found a super cool place for Roger to get his hair cut, called Pomade and Tonic "Traditional Barber Shop and Social Club."  Super cool name, right?  Well, we rolled up today and all there was inside was a solitary older barber who only takes cash.  Turns out he was pretty grouchy, too.  Roger's gut suggested that we leave, so we did.

Then, we went to visit my grandparents.  I was finally able to return the toad that moved in to our apartment with us when I brought my plants from their house.  The toad was happy to be home, and I am happy he's not living in my bathroom anymore.  My papa helped me re-pot some succulents and we traded some more plants.  Roger and I also checked on our granadilla, jalapeno, and habenaro plants Papa is growing for us.  Our babies are getting big!!  While we were there, my mother also gave me some birthday presents that match my style perfectly- two ceramic owls and a wedding scrap book that looks antique.

For dinner, we went back to the European Street Market for IPA beers, beer cheese soup, pretzels, and pastrami sandwiches.  Yuuuummmmmyy.

Now, we're home, and I'm dreading the inevitable:  I have to clean and get organized in the next 24 hours before Roger's mother and brother come.  This stinks......

Anyway, throughout the course of the day, Roger and I debated what should be done to correct the chaos in our country.  Between the two of us, we usually come up with some pretty good ideas that we would use in our "Utopia."  So, Roger asked me what I would do to fix the gun laws.  And, I have to say, I don't think there is an effective answer.  I don't know that our country is reparable.  You can implement laws and regulations, but until you change people's hearts, things will never be much better.  I'm losing my optimism.  I don't know that I want to live here anymore.  There's so many extremes in the classes and social statuses.  And, you can't go anywhere without being plowed over my the "me" attitude of the average citizen.  There's little room for nice people anymore.  And, for everyone who has told me I need to toughen up and stop being sensitive, I say this:  I don't know why I'm hyper-sensitive- I was born this way and  I've been this way my whole life.  I care about everyone, even mean people.  I WANT to be good and kind and help others.  I WANT everyone to get along.  I WANT to smile and wave at people and have the actions reciprocated. I WANT to let others pass first.  I WANT to mail people handwritten letters and cards.  I WANT to establish traditions in my home.  I WANT to be honest, even when no one is watching.  I WANT to think that people are generally good.  I don't want to change or be any other way.  So there.

And, I love you, too!

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