Friday, December 21, 2012

The End Of My Battery

To celebrate today- you know I had to pick this song!!

Today wasn't the end of the world- it was the end of my car battery.  It was butt cold this morning (40ish) and I needed to drive to work so I could make it to the church on time.  So, I pushed through the cold wind to the parking lot, seated myself in the freezing car, put the keys in the ignition, and nothing happened.  Sigh......  Oh well.  I called Roger and told him he had to take me to work.

So then, I got to work wearing the dress I bought last night and my box of high heels in hand.  When I got to my desk, I switched my flats for the heels I bought on sale.  The low heels were $69 dollars and the super high heels were $29.  No brainer!  Cheaper is better, right?  Well, I put those puppies on and decided to strut over to the copy machine, and realized I couldn't walk.  They were too high.  Now what?  So I switched back to my flats as quickly as I could (picture a fat girl, in an awful blue print dress with super high heels walking like those little Chinese women walk in those shoes meant to bind up their feet.)  I'm sure my new coworkers are already wondering how ridiculous I really am....

So, the time came for me to leave work for our mass, and I see Roger driving around the block, because he's not good at picking which lane he should be in ahead of time (no offense, Honey :)  )  Oh, and did I mention my fat girl dress is made from that lame material that's sort of slinky and thin, and not conducive to freezing cold weather?  So, we were late.  In fact my mother (who is perpetually late) actually beat me to the church!

So, we were having what's called "A Blessing of A Civil Wedding."  I thought this would be a little mass in the chapel where the priest mentioned that we are married, and he wishes us well, and hopes we will walk with God.  Wrong.  There were extra people there, and they made programs with our names on the cover, and the service was in the Cathedral!  Very nice.  There was only two issues:  1) I was required to walk, then kneel, then stand again, then walk again in the above-mentioned high heels, and 2) half the mass was in Spanish, since Roger's mother and brother were there.  We even had vows, and Roger's were in Spanish and mine were in English.  Afterwards, I told Roger that I was a little uncomfortable- since I don't speak Spanish, I didn't know what I just agreed to.  Oh well!  Love is blind, right?

So then, my mother, Alex, my grandparents, Roger's mother and brother, and Roger and I went to Indochine to eat.  It was o.k.  Then my family went home and Roger's family and I headed to St. Augustine.  It was colder there!  So, I suggested that we go to the Potter's wax museum.  Roger's mom likes T.V., so I figured she'd recognized a lot of the figures and I thought it would be warm.  Well, after I paid for the tickets, was saw the whole place in 5 minutes because his mom got scared and his brother was bored.

So, dummy me, suggested we go eat at the Columbia Restaurant.  Well, we had to wait 20 minutes for a table (when there were many empty tables), which already started things off wrong, because Roger's family eats like birds and they weren't even hungry in the first place.  Then, we were seated in this solarium-type room with a monstrous wedding parting and screaming children.  Then, we ordered our food (Tapas items) and waited, and waited, and nothing happened.  After an hour, we asked our server about the status of the food.  She said it would be another 15 minutes.  I guess me giving her the evil eye had no effect on the speed of service, because we then waited another 40 minutes.  There was lots of grumbling going on in Spanish in the meantime.  I don't know what was said, but I don't think I'm going to be allowed to make any suggestions for the rest of their visit, especially since last night I suggested we go to the mall in Orange Park, but there were two accidents so a 20 minute drive turned into an hour and a half.

So, anyway, we paid the twit server in cash and she disappeared.  She returned 15 minutes later with our change.   So, I was forced to put a nasty restaurant review online.

So now we are home, and no one understands that the cold makes my joints hurt, and the fact that we live in a concrete loft on the sixth floor and our windows are open making it freezing cold just makes me want to cocoon up in the bed.

Anyway, I'm going to go now, because I think my fingers are going to break off from being frozen.

Bye for now!  (That always reminds me of my favorite aunt!!)

These pictures are of a funny sign in a store window, the park in St. Augustine, and Roger, his brother and his mother.

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