Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum, In A Dish

Sorry to bombard you with my erratic thoughts, but I just remembered this and it really makes me laugh!!!!

So, Roger and I were in church two weeks ago.  It was almost time for him to go up to light the first Advent candle.  I look over, and I notice that he was chewing gum.  Now, he's already standing out a little, because 1) we're young, 2) we're new, and 3) he was in jeans.  So, I start to panic.  "Roger!", I whispered as loud as I could, since he can't hear.  He turned.  "You have gum in your mouth!!!", I whisper shouted and gave him the crazy eye.

So, he calmly puts his hand to his mouth and spits the gum in it.  So, I'm watching and waiting, and he starts to reach down under the pew.  "What are you doing?" I mouthed frantically. So, he puts his hand back in his lap.

I didn't have my purse, so I didn't have a tissue.  "Swallow it!!", I mouthed again.  He stubbornly shook his head like a little kid.  I almost burst out laughing.  Here's my rough, take-no-bull husband afraid to swallow gum.  I reminded me of the old myth about swallowed gum staying in your stomach for 7 years.

I still don't know what he eventually did with the gum.  For all I know, it's stuck to the bottom of the pole used to light the candles.  :)

Bubble gum, bubble gum, in a dish; how many pieces do you wish!

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