Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy 2013!  This is the end of a chapter (2012) and the beginning of a new one.  I hope everyone has at least a glimmer of hope that this year will be better- that we have new opportunities.  The chance to try new things, establish new habits, reach new goals.  There is some mental block about doing any of these things on December 21st, or December 30th.  I think 99% of men decide to wait until January 1st- that magic day that's sure to make a difference.

Regardless, hope and optimism are critical for our survival.  So, write your goals/aspirations down.  This year, be determined to keep up with your goals- to track them and see them through.

Today, on January 1, 2013, that is my goal.  Here are my New Years Resolutions:

  1. I am going to transform my body.  I am going to lose weight, tighten and tone.  I going to ingest better things for the sake of my health.
  2. I am going to learn Spanish.  I am going to establish a schedule so this can be accomplished. I don't want to be the odd man out anymore and wonder what people are saying, only to get the abridged version when someone explains.  
  3. I am going to establish a personal style.  Many, many people have a signature look.  My mom's friend always wears blazers.  My husband always wears rock t-shirts.  My new niece always wears a flower in her hair.  A girl at work, always wears a funky watch.  I'm am going to come up with something that identifies ME. Oh, look!  There that girl who always wears green shoes!  Just kidding.
  4. I am going to be-friend a homeless person.  My understanding is there are around 5,000 homeless people in Jacksonville.  I hope to find one that I can help on a recurring basis.  There's no reason I can't provide someone with food, clothing, shoes, or an occasional shower.  Maybe I can help someone get on his/her feet, or help a child.
  5. I have a website called Lilly's Frillys.  I bought the domain name last year (sounds weird saying that!) so I could have an online store for antiques, crafts and collectibles.  I've done nothing with it since then.  This year, I'm going to list my items and establish my business.
  6. I am going to be efficient and organized.  Roger is frequently frustrated with me because I cant find my keys, or my purse, or my fill in the blank.  I am going to purge my purse and donate clothes I don't wear.  I will take pictures of that swivel stick, flyer or napkin that reminds me of some event then toss it.  I will go through my cabinets and rubber tubs and determine what I've never used.  Every thing will have a place.  I will also remember people's birthdays, so I'm not always apologizing for being a bad friend or relative.
  7. I am going to learn to stabilize how I project myself.  I have a wicked temper, yet I am also very very insecure.  So, how I project myself is all over the spectrum.  Sometimes, with my family, I loose my cool and yell or scream.  I frequently use these opportunities to say hurtful things. When someone I don't know is an jerk to me, I see red, and fume for hours.  For example, at the Waldo Inbred Flea Market this past weekend, I was taking a picture of foul that were packed in a disgusting cage.  This redneck asshole thought it would be funny to sneak up and tip the cage to scare the birds, and me!  Well, this prompted mean comments on my part and frustrated me for at least an hour.  On the other hand, when I meet new people, I over-humble myself.  I'm the girl that's always nice and compliments people and always volunteers to fetch the coffee.  I look down when I walk and always say I'm sorry.  I'm sorry your paper's stuck in the copier.  I'm sorry I was in the way when you came plowing in the elevator.  I'm sorry I have to climb over you in church because you chose to sit at the end of an empty pew. I don't want to be this person anymore.  I want to be confident, and consistent, and neutral.  I want to be quick and aware of what's going on around me.  I want to be feminine, and funny, and have a high likability factor.  However, I also want to be mysterious- I don't want to be everyone's friend or have everyone know my life story either.  
So that's it.  That's the master plan.  Seven little things to improve my life.  I can do this.  You can encourage me, or at least silently cheer me on.  In the meantime, in 2013, may we all be healthy, wealthy and wise.  

Here's the first song of the year.

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