Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Last night was rediculous.  I planned to go to bed by 10:00, so I could be asleep by 11:00, and get a full 8 hours of sleep.  Nope, didn't happen. 

I made it to bed on time and Roger and I started watching a movie.  After 30 minutes, I kept hearing yelling.  Roger didn't hear it until I made him mute the T.V.  Then, we went to investigate.  My neighbor was having a party- again.  So, we unmuted the T.V. and resumed watching our movie.  At eleven, I tried to sleep, but all I could hear was yelling and music.

At 11:39, I tried to called the concierge, but when no one answered, I remembered they leave at 11:00.  So, I conned my wonderful husband into getting dressed and going to find the security guard.  The said guard informed Roger that there was nothing he could do, that we could call the police.  What!?!?!?  USELESS!!!!! Here's where I need anger management.

So, I pull out my computer and look up the non-emergency line for the police department.  A very nice officer offered to send someone out.  Well, we live downtown.  That's where all the cops are.  We pass at least fifty (who eye us suspicously) every time we go for our evening walk.

So, I put on my clothes and run to the door to peep through the eye hole.  Five minutes pass.  Ten.  Fifteen.  Twenty. Thrity minutes. I need anger management again.  Well, this was USELESS, too!!!!!  Finally, now that the peep hole had made a permanent indention on my face, I decide to give up.  I decide to call the concierge's desk again and leave a message about what was going on so we could talk about it when they were open.  When I dialed, the police answered.  They somehow got in the lobby, but had no way to access any floors, because of our super dooper security system where you have to have a key fob to access only your floor on the elevator.  Shit.  I told him we'd come down and bring him up.  So, my wonderful husband went on his second mission of the night.  Roger is such a trooper! 

When the cop was ready to knock on the neighbor's door, Roger and I went inside and tried to share the peep hole again.  I didn't end up seeing anything :(. 

So, long story short, the cop pounded for a minute, the neighbor opened the door, came out, and quickly shut it behind him.  The cop told him to lower the music and the voices, then he turned around and left.  The neighbor then had to knock for a minute or two to get back in.  How weird is that?  The cop doesn't think it's suspicous that the guy didn't want him to see the inside; and he didn't wait to leave until the noise volume was under control?  Whatever.  The party immediately died, and I finally got to sleep around 1:00.  End of story.

So, today, I conquored day two of my diet.  I can tell I'm getting a little grouchy, because earlier I wanted to go punch the homeless man who was standing under my bathroom window, singing as loud as his little lungs could sing.  Normally, I like singing.  It makes me happy.  Not tonight.  Grrrrr. 

Anyway, there's no song for today.

Happy Wednesday!

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