Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Quiet New Year

Roger and I had a quiet day.  I mananged to clean out one dresser.

This afternoon, we went to see Les Miserables.  Two thumbs up.  I managed to avoid the buttered popcorn, since Dr. Atkins and I will be friends again. Thank God for whipped cream!  Oh, yeah- go see the movie.  It's long, but worth it.  My friend from Canada gave me the soundtrack in 1990, when we went to school in France.  I listened to it a million times, but I had never read the book or saw the movie, so I just had a vague idea about the story plot.  Seeing the movie filled in the blanks for me. I'm sure lots of awards will be given to the actors.

Also, I managed to stay calm and pleasant all day.  I only slipped once, when I flicked off a bus driver who saw us coming, then pulled out and blocked the highway while he stopped to ask directions.

Happy Tuesday.

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