Friday, March 1, 2013

Today is my five  month wedding anniversary.  I have to admit, I'm so very glad it's Friday. It's been a long week!

I found a couple cool things this week:
  1. Amstel Light beer- decent flavor, 99 calories
  2. Cartoon Camera app- makes any picture you take with your phone look like a drawing.  See the picture I took from our bedroom window this morning below.
  3. Giant Kit Kat Bars- I actually found these last month, but I've eaten one every day this week!  (Don't tell Roger.) I'm trying a new approach.  I buy one in the morning, and because I like structure and like to count, I take 1 bite each hour starting at 1:00.  I finish my last bite at five.  I'm thinking if I only eat one bite an hour, it won't spike my blood sugar and may not turn into fat, because my body will have time to process it before I take another bite.  I'll let you know how that works! LOL! Anyway, you get a single giant bar in each wrapper.  It's yummy!

Last night, I had another jalapeno incident.  I made tacos, so of course I added jalapenos.  (I pretty much add them to everything lately.)  Anyway, I didn't wash my hands well enough (again) and burned my eye, eyelid, forehead, and cheek.  It was brutal this time. :(  I need to find better hand soap.

We had another bank robbery in Jax yesterday.  That's two in three weeks.  Plus another fire resulting in a death.  Miraculously, I don't think there were any shootings yesterday.

Yesterday, Roger and I received confirmation that we will sleep over at our church with the homeless next weekend.  That will be fun, and something to add to our resumes as community service. And, I start tutoring for Social Services tomorrow.  

Well, I guess I have to get out of bed and go to work now.  Boooooo.  Here's a Friday song:

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