Monday, March 18, 2013

It's All Good In The Hood

I didn't realize I hadn't posted anything since last Wednesday.  I'm a slacker!!!!

Thursday and Friday of last week were uneventful.  Saturday, I tutored, then Roger and I went to see The Incredible Burt Wonderstone.  Ehhhhhhh.  It was o.k.  He always asks me if I want to stay and watch a second movie (without paying), but I'm always scared we'll get caught.  I've never heard on the news that someone got in trouble for watching two flicks, but with my luck, I'd be the first.  Can anyone offer any thoughts on this subject?  Should I do it?

Sunday, I indulged in a smidge too much alcohol in honor of St. Patrick.  But in all fairness, I busted ass in the guest room that somehow turned into my very messy closet.  I reorganized, hung clothes, sorted through tubs of stuff, yada yada yada...... That was a great reason to celebrate.  However, I don't think I'm going to list everything I drank on my Weight Watchers log, so I don't freak out the facilitator.  I don't think she would support me using all my points for liquids-with-a-kick!

Speaking of which, today is day 14 of my stupid diet.  I weigh in tomorrow.  As long as I lose a pound a week, I'll stick with it.

Well, I wish I had something exciting to post or share, but I don't.  Life's been a little boring lately.  Sorry.

Here's a song.  I ran across this video by accident.  Weird.....

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