Saturday, March 2, 2013

Blah Blah Blah

I was wrong yesterday about there being no shootings.  There was one.  Actually, I think there were two.

Anyway, Roger and I spent today at the St. Augustine Flea Market and then at Camping World looking at camping trailers.  I think he finally understands why I want an R.V.  They are super cool.  Now they are made with leather couches and cherry wood. Freakin' beautiful! And then we good beer cheese soup and fresh soft pretzels from the European Street Market before heading to Fans and Stoves for some antique shopping.  I didn't spend any money.  Yeah!!!!!!!  Then, we went to Chomp Chomp for dinner.  I had my favorite- the Westsider- a giant buffalo chicken breast over celery slaw and fresh blue cheese on a super fresh bun with a side salad.  Out of this world yummy.  Roger had the Chinoise Tacos.  He liked them, too!

I also found my new favorite website,  You can look at different rims on your own vehicle.  Here's the ones I want for my car.
Anyway, when you use the site, it shows you your car, in your stock  color with the rims you choose (exactly how they look in the pic).  I tried to paste the pic of my car with these red rims, but it wouldn't let me.

So, I added my husband back as an author on the blog.  His rights were revoked (by me) for lack of contributions.  He better get to posting before I kick him off again.  This is a joint effort, Roger, jeesh!

It's really cold tonight.  It's supposed to be in the 20's by morning.  Brrrr.  I feel bad for the homeless people. :(

Anyway, that's it.  Happy Saturday night.  Here's a song:

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