Thursday, March 7, 2013

Almost Friday!

Well, this week is flying by.  It's 35 degrees today. I think I might drive to work today.  Yesterday I got a headache from my forehead getting cold because it was so cold and windy.

Last night, Roger and I finally went the the Jax Art Walk.  It's an art festival downtown the first Wednesday of every month. Kind of like Jammin Jensen in old buildings a a park.  There was lots of cool stuff.  When we were walking there, I found another picture randomly placed on a hidden abandoned building.  I don't know who the artist is, but they pictures are random, usually portraits of children, and usually in a black and blue medium.  Love them!

Yesterday was my 2nd day of Weight Watchers.  It's not really that bad.  I just don't see how you can loose weight on the new system.  I've decided I'm not going to weigh until the meeting on Monday.  So, we'll see how I do.  I'm not CHEATING!!!!!!

I guess that's it for today. No profound thoughts to share.  Feel free to share with me!  Thanks T, for your comments.  It's nice to have feedback!

Here's a song:

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