Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Life

I was thinking about a conversation I had with a friend a while back, about my "exciting life."  My life IS exciting to me.  However, it's not always perfect- in fact, it's still filled with lots of ups and downs, lots of boring things, lots of challenges and lots of heartache.  The difference, for me, it that I've learned to be thankful and count my blessings.  Yes, I found a wonderful husband, who is protective, kind, fun, and most of all patient (I wouldn't put up with me), but that doesn't mean it's all roses.

When I write my blog, I try to relay my enthusiasm for life. My appreciation for things that I've never appreciated before.  I'm thankful for each of my blessings, just as I am thankful for my hardships.  I just try to avoid writing about too many negative things and only focus on the good stuff!  So, here's some good stuff- working backwards.

Remember when I was expressing how excited I was at buying a travel trailer?  Well, I just found a few pics I took on my phone.  Keep in mind this is a pull-behind TRAILER- not a 5th-wheel or motor home.  Look how cool it is!  There's a separate bathroom with room to move, a separate bedroom with queen size bed, a leather couch...... all for around $25,0000.  (No, it's not in my budget for a toy, but still.........)

Sunday, I tried my grilling skills again.  I made a pork loin, a roasted corn slaw (total fail) and yucca  fries.  I had never cooked yucca before.  You peel it, cut it in slices, boil it for ten minutes, dry off and fry.  LOVE IT!  Anyway, here's some pics of my efforts.

When I came up from the grill in the courtyard, we noticed that the whole block outside our window was blocked off by the police.  Then, we noticed this the TV crews and a huge police truck.  Men were carrying some type of soft armor out of it.  We thought it might be a bomb squad.  So, while Roger was nosing at the window, with his binoculars and taking pictures (I would do the same thing hehehe), the police happened to notice him and shook a finger at him!

Yesterday, I joined Weight Watchers.  I dragged poor Roger with me as a guest visitor.  I had no idea the meeting would last 2 hours.  We went to Popeys right afterwards.....  What!?!??!?!  It was my "last meal!"  So, I will start the plan today.  I don't want to be fat anymore.  My lack of self discipline depresses me.  I'm hoping the WW support group and the accountability of weighing in each week will help.  Plus, the program has changed AGAIN, and looks super easy now.  Heck, if Jessica Simpson can do it, surely I can, too!  She has NO self discipline either!

Finally, I was just watching the news, and they were talking about the 6th bank robbery in Jax this year.  There's been 10 murders so far.  Three great white sharks.  Countless house fire deaths.  Wow, there's always something here.....

So, have a great Tuesday.  Be thankful, and think about how you can tell others how exciting YOUR life is!

This song is dedicated to the one I love......

1 comment:

  1. Your meal looks so Yummy!!!!!!!!! and Yes YOU ARE Blessed!!!! keep you mind and your eyes on the blessings GOD has given you... Negatives will come but the postives will always DRIVE THEM OUT!!!

    Love and Miss you T
