Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Neighbor is an Asshole

You know how I try to avoid being negative? Well, sometimes it helps when I speak my mind.  Like when Home Depot changed my credit rating after I outed them on my blog.  Or how UCF reversed a collection against Alex after I wrote letters to everyone and their brother about their screwy financial practices.  And sometimes, no one listens, but it just makes me feel better to rant.  So here's my rant.........

I live at the Metropolitan Lofts.  Moving here has been a pretty good experience.  Yes, we had to adjust to no doors, concrete floors, and lots of city noise.  But one thing to which I cannot adjust is my neighbor. His name is "Willizm".  I know this, because he left a note on my door once, written in pink, to invite us to one of his parties.  I've never seen him, but I hear him and all his friends at least once a week.  He has at least one party weekly, and sometimes more.  And, the parties are usually very late at night.  I frequently wake up to people shouting in the hallway.  It startles me every time, because I think something bad is happening.  Then, I wait two seconds and hear the familiar thump, thump, thump.  Sometimes the dishes rattle.

So, we started complaining.  When you pay $1,295 a month, you would think there are some rules.  We tried calling the concierge, the police and even the office manager.  The Metropolitan people put on their paid "concerned" front.  But nothing changes.

So, at midnight last night, I was thinking, gee, we'll write a letter giving notice that we want to move, but where are we going to go?  Then, I though, well, we'll request to be moved to another unit.  But what if we get another one of "those" neighbors.  If the office cannot or will not control our current neighbor, why would I think they would control anyone else?

The other issue at hand is safety.  We pay to have controlled access to our unit.  You have to have a key fob to get in the building and a key fob to use the elevator, which should only take you to your floor (and deny you access to the others).  Well, if "Willizm" has all these people over, where's the control?  What happens if some of his alcohol-frenzied friends get in a fight and something bad happens?

Plus there's the fact that we know he's friends with at least one employee (because we saw him going to his party with a beer).  So, what if the employee mentions that we are the ones who keep complaining, or what we drive?  What, if in retaliation, he decides to "share" the building's master key?  The possibilities are endless, and not so far-fetched in today's society.  Just turn on the news.

The same people who constantly smile, and say, "William?, he's such a quiet person!  I can't believe he'd be trouble,"  will be singing a different tune when something bad shows up on the news.

So I say this is bunk.  If you know "Willizm", tell him I think he's an asshole.  If you're thinking about moving to the Metropolitan Lofts, don't.  And since following proper procedures has resulted in no change in this situation, I am going to start fighting this my way.

That's it.  I'm done with my rant.

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