Thursday, September 13, 2012

Please God, save me from boredom.....

Mid-day update.  (Can you tell I’m bored?  I actually miss my old life and work….)
Today I broke out the jump rope I bought on clearance at TJ Maxx yesterday.  I should have thought about the fact that according to the 18 year old bra expert at Lane Bryant, I now have 42F boobs.  (O.K., a moment of honesty- I initially typed 40F out of embarrassment, but hell, what’s another two inches matter when the cup size is F?)
Anyway, my generous bosom made jump roping slightly difficult.  But since I have OCD (only when it comes to numbers), I developed a training system….. I put together the border of a puzzle (yes, I’m so bored I bought a puzzle).  Then for every hand full of pieces I drew out of the box, if I was able to fit a piece in, I would go outside and try to jump.  The first attempt was to make one jump, the second was two jumps, etc, etc.  I’m now up to being able to jump 15 times in a row.  (My grandfather is a little confused about this process, but is trying to show his moral support.) Maybe be next week I can be as good as Rocky……
Also, today I’m on lesson 3 of Rosetta Stone.  Because I try to be a perfect student, I had to spend an extra day on lesson two because apparently, I cannot pronounce la manzana es verde correctly (the apple is green).  Oh well, after two hundred attempts to get it right, I just decided from now on I’ll stick to red apples (roja).
And, I discovered another bad part about not being employed is the easy access to infomercials.  I now own Heel-Tastic, and plan to buy the NuWavePIC cooker soon. I’m convinced that I can no longer live without one.  However, to demonstrate that I still have a measure of self-restraint, I am refraining from buying the PX90 exercise system.
And finally, as a public service advisory, please do not be shocked if you see me and discover that my 1 1/2” bangs have developed cowlicks that look like horns…….  (and for anyone interested, thank God for spell check, because I initially spelled this word as calick, which according to the Urban Dictionary, is the act of defecating in one’s partner’s oral cavity.  Gross…  Don’t believe me?
At least I’m not that bored, yet…….


  1. I will be back soon miss you so much... I need you for the rest of the adventure

  2. I miss you sooooo much!!!!! When you get back, I'll change the blog back to Doanyelle and Roger's Grand Adventures. xoxoxo We need a new picture, too.
