Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Ghost Tour Pictorial

Roger and I had a super fun Friday night.  I got off work early, because our office was moving again.  So, we headed to my favorite city, the city where we got hitched-St. Augustine.  We decided to take a ghost tour.

There's many choices for ghost tours in the third most-haunted city in the United States, but we chose the Sheriff's Ghost Walk Tour this time. Our tour was lead by Sheriff Guy White.  This is a tour that he put together after pouring over newspapers and historical records for many months.  He's been doing the tour for 16 years.
 But prior to our tour, we had some time to kill, so we went to the oldest wooden school house in America.

This even cooler thing about this oldest school house is the fact that my ancestors attended the last class held in this school.  Here's the class roster.  My grandmother's family name is Capo.  I remember that Victoriano is a relative.  I'm not sure about the other Capo.

Here's a pic of my honey bunny at the wishing well in the garden.  He was probably wishing that I would hurry up and take the picture!

So, then night fell and the tour began!  Here's a pic of one of the non-bricked paved streets downtown.

So, we walked to historic houses and sights and graveyards while Sheriff White told us stories of history, scandals and death!  We took lots of pics, hoping to at least capture some orbs, but came up empty handed.
This is a pic from the Huguenot cemetery.  The little stone on the left is not an infant's stone, rather its a foot stone that marks the end of the grave.

We ended the tour just past the old entrance to the city.  Then, a ghost named Sally was supposed to pick the pretties woman on the tour, and she picked me!  The reward was a brilliant blue gem and diamond ring, which I'm sure is not a fake!  LOL!  Regardless, it was lots of fun. And later that night, we shared amazing pizza a the little pizzeria down the street.  (Yes, I added it to my stupid Weight Watchers points log....)
Thank you, Roger, for another fun adventure!

Monday, March 18, 2013

It's All Good In The Hood

I didn't realize I hadn't posted anything since last Wednesday.  I'm a slacker!!!!

Thursday and Friday of last week were uneventful.  Saturday, I tutored, then Roger and I went to see The Incredible Burt Wonderstone.  Ehhhhhhh.  It was o.k.  He always asks me if I want to stay and watch a second movie (without paying), but I'm always scared we'll get caught.  I've never heard on the news that someone got in trouble for watching two flicks, but with my luck, I'd be the first.  Can anyone offer any thoughts on this subject?  Should I do it?

Sunday, I indulged in a smidge too much alcohol in honor of St. Patrick.  But in all fairness, I busted ass in the guest room that somehow turned into my very messy closet.  I reorganized, hung clothes, sorted through tubs of stuff, yada yada yada...... That was a great reason to celebrate.  However, I don't think I'm going to list everything I drank on my Weight Watchers log, so I don't freak out the facilitator.  I don't think she would support me using all my points for liquids-with-a-kick!

Speaking of which, today is day 14 of my stupid diet.  I weigh in tomorrow.  As long as I lose a pound a week, I'll stick with it.

Well, I wish I had something exciting to post or share, but I don't.  Life's been a little boring lately.  Sorry.

Here's a song.  I ran across this video by accident.  Weird.....

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It's Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!  Today I was extra lucky.  I came home and my Rogerini surprised me with tickets to Get the Led Out at the Florida Theater.  This is a band dedicated to performing Led Zeppelin songs, "just as they sound on the records."  They did a phenomenal job!  Even though I've never seen the real Led Zeppelin in concert, I've listened to their music enough to know their sounds.  And, when I closed my eyes, this band sounded identical.  There were 9 musicians who each contributed to re-creating the songs and the sound effects.  I never realized how some of the sounds were made.  Very entertaining.  And, the venue was beautiful.  Thank you, Roger, for such a nice surprise!  (And, my favorite LZ song is no longer Tangerine.  I haven't picked which one is my new favorite yet. What's yours?!!??!)

Today is day 9 of Weight Watchers.  I keep thinking I'm hungry, even though I can see on paper how much food I've consumed.  I'm doomed to be "gordita" forever.  Sometimes, I can't even look in the mirror.  This, coupled with the fact that my baby turns 19 this week, and I turn 40 this year is causing me a lot of anxiety.

I don't want to be middle aged, in debt, and living a mediocre life. (This excludes, of course, my wonderful marriage- which is the only thing that keeps me going.) What if I never do something extraordinary or spectacular?  What if I spend my whole life just getting by and living paycheck to paycheck.  What if I never loose weight, or get organized, or develop a skill or a talent or find a job that I love?  Sigh.....

Time to think of things for which I am thankful:
  • I'm thankful for my husband
  • I'm thankful for my son
  • I'm thankful for my friends
  • I'm thankful that I got to go to a concert
  • I'm thankful it's cool outside and not hot and humid
  • I'm thankful for my car
  • I'm thankful for my grandparents
  • I'm thankful for Law and Order 
  • I'm thankful for Depeche Mode
  • I'm thankful to live in a city where I can walk around and always see new things.
There- that's 10 reasons for me to be thankful.  I think I'll go to bed on that note.

Oh, two more thoughts before I forget.  I realized the other day that I've only ever seen one child in our building- a 10 or 11 year old who goes to Catholic school.  I mentioned this to Roger and he said he saw two the other day.  It's weird that I never see children anymore, except when I tutor.  The other thing I didn't realize I miss is birds.  The only birds I ever see are hawks that fly around the 42nd floor of the Bank of America building across from where I work.  The reason I now know that I miss birds is because Saturday night, when we slept with the homeless at the church, I was awakened by the sound of birds chirping in the middle of the night.  It was the strangest thing.  I realized that I hadn't heard birds in a long time.  And these birds were really living it up in the middle of the night!

Sweet dreams.  Here's a song.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Monday

Roger and I had a great weekend!  Saturday I tutored, then did some shopping.  Saturday night, we were the chaperons at the church for the homeless.  Basically comfy indoor camping.  We watched movies and did some Internet surfing.  I about had a heart attack when I went in the kitchen for something to eat, because they had leftovers from dinner that included about 20 different kinds of cake.  That's alot of temptation for a fat girl on a diet.  Roger said that was God's way to encourage me to be strong.  Whatever.  I didn't even eat a single piece.

Then, the time changed.  Booo.  Time change sucks- just like Thanksgiving on a Thursday.  Who thinks these things up?

Roger also helped me frost my hair.  That was a barrel of laughs!  I put the cap on and pulled through what I could.  Then, I went in the living room to ask him if I got all the circles, which I didn't.  He tried to pull some hair through for me (while trying to watch his TV show), but that didn't work.  We finally managed a system where he put the tip of the puller on the hole, then I pulled the hair, and then he finished pulling it out.  Hairdressers we are not!

Sunday we decided to go to the beach.  First we headed to Atlantic Beach.  It was beautiful, but the water was ice cold.  On the way home, we decided to take the ferry, then ended up at Huguenot Park.  Talk about serene and isolated!  Across the way on one side was the Mayport Naval Base.  Then, on the other side of the beach was a jetty with lots of waves in surfers.  We ended up getting burnt!  I was craving sunshine.

So, today was back to the grind.  One good thing was my weigh in from my first week of Weight Watchers.  I lost 2.8 pounds.  I found a great group leader, so I'll be switching to her classes next week.  She gave me lots of good pointers and was very motivating.

Another good thing today was we got to see the Depeche Mode tour dates!  Concert- here we come!  We want to go see them in Tampa and Ft Lauderdale in September.  I can't wait.

Well, I hope you have a great week!  Check in again in a day or so!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Neighbor is an Asshole

You know how I try to avoid being negative? Well, sometimes it helps when I speak my mind.  Like when Home Depot changed my credit rating after I outed them on my blog.  Or how UCF reversed a collection against Alex after I wrote letters to everyone and their brother about their screwy financial practices.  And sometimes, no one listens, but it just makes me feel better to rant.  So here's my rant.........

I live at the Metropolitan Lofts.  Moving here has been a pretty good experience.  Yes, we had to adjust to no doors, concrete floors, and lots of city noise.  But one thing to which I cannot adjust is my neighbor. His name is "Willizm".  I know this, because he left a note on my door once, written in pink, to invite us to one of his parties.  I've never seen him, but I hear him and all his friends at least once a week.  He has at least one party weekly, and sometimes more.  And, the parties are usually very late at night.  I frequently wake up to people shouting in the hallway.  It startles me every time, because I think something bad is happening.  Then, I wait two seconds and hear the familiar thump, thump, thump.  Sometimes the dishes rattle.

So, we started complaining.  When you pay $1,295 a month, you would think there are some rules.  We tried calling the concierge, the police and even the office manager.  The Metropolitan people put on their paid "concerned" front.  But nothing changes.

So, at midnight last night, I was thinking, gee, we'll write a letter giving notice that we want to move, but where are we going to go?  Then, I though, well, we'll request to be moved to another unit.  But what if we get another one of "those" neighbors.  If the office cannot or will not control our current neighbor, why would I think they would control anyone else?

The other issue at hand is safety.  We pay to have controlled access to our unit.  You have to have a key fob to get in the building and a key fob to use the elevator, which should only take you to your floor (and deny you access to the others).  Well, if "Willizm" has all these people over, where's the control?  What happens if some of his alcohol-frenzied friends get in a fight and something bad happens?

Plus there's the fact that we know he's friends with at least one employee (because we saw him going to his party with a beer).  So, what if the employee mentions that we are the ones who keep complaining, or what we drive?  What, if in retaliation, he decides to "share" the building's master key?  The possibilities are endless, and not so far-fetched in today's society.  Just turn on the news.

The same people who constantly smile, and say, "William?, he's such a quiet person!  I can't believe he'd be trouble,"  will be singing a different tune when something bad shows up on the news.

So I say this is bunk.  If you know "Willizm", tell him I think he's an asshole.  If you're thinking about moving to the Metropolitan Lofts, don't.  And since following proper procedures has resulted in no change in this situation, I am going to start fighting this my way.

That's it.  I'm done with my rant.

Friday, March 8, 2013


It's Friday!  It's fresh out.  It's pay day for me.  I woke up rested and happy.  Roger is in a cocoon next to me.  What more could a girl want!

Day 4 of Weight Watchers.  Yesterday was super easy. I hope I lose at least 2 pounds this week.

Yesterday Roger picked me up from work and we went for a nice long drive to Fernandina Beach / Amelia Island.  I had to laugh, because on the way we passed through Springfield, and he pointed out a vacant lot lot had about 10 cats and the name number of chickens and roosters.  Fun, and odd!

And while at lunch, I went for a walk downtown.  The weather was perfect.  I passed a statue of Andrew Jackson.  It never occurred to me that he's the person Jacksonville is named after!

I guess that's it.  I don't have much to share.

Have a great Friday!  Here's a song:

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Almost Friday!

Well, this week is flying by.  It's 35 degrees today. I think I might drive to work today.  Yesterday I got a headache from my forehead getting cold because it was so cold and windy.

Last night, Roger and I finally went the the Jax Art Walk.  It's an art festival downtown the first Wednesday of every month. Kind of like Jammin Jensen in old buildings a a park.  There was lots of cool stuff.  When we were walking there, I found another picture randomly placed on a hidden abandoned building.  I don't know who the artist is, but they pictures are random, usually portraits of children, and usually in a black and blue medium.  Love them!

Yesterday was my 2nd day of Weight Watchers.  It's not really that bad.  I just don't see how you can loose weight on the new system.  I've decided I'm not going to weigh until the meeting on Monday.  So, we'll see how I do.  I'm not CHEATING!!!!!!

I guess that's it for today. No profound thoughts to share.  Feel free to share with me!  Thanks T, for your comments.  It's nice to have feedback!

Here's a song:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Life

I was thinking about a conversation I had with a friend a while back, about my "exciting life."  My life IS exciting to me.  However, it's not always perfect- in fact, it's still filled with lots of ups and downs, lots of boring things, lots of challenges and lots of heartache.  The difference, for me, it that I've learned to be thankful and count my blessings.  Yes, I found a wonderful husband, who is protective, kind, fun, and most of all patient (I wouldn't put up with me), but that doesn't mean it's all roses.

When I write my blog, I try to relay my enthusiasm for life. My appreciation for things that I've never appreciated before.  I'm thankful for each of my blessings, just as I am thankful for my hardships.  I just try to avoid writing about too many negative things and only focus on the good stuff!  So, here's some good stuff- working backwards.

Remember when I was expressing how excited I was at buying a travel trailer?  Well, I just found a few pics I took on my phone.  Keep in mind this is a pull-behind TRAILER- not a 5th-wheel or motor home.  Look how cool it is!  There's a separate bathroom with room to move, a separate bedroom with queen size bed, a leather couch...... all for around $25,0000.  (No, it's not in my budget for a toy, but still.........)

Sunday, I tried my grilling skills again.  I made a pork loin, a roasted corn slaw (total fail) and yucca  fries.  I had never cooked yucca before.  You peel it, cut it in slices, boil it for ten minutes, dry off and fry.  LOVE IT!  Anyway, here's some pics of my efforts.

When I came up from the grill in the courtyard, we noticed that the whole block outside our window was blocked off by the police.  Then, we noticed this the TV crews and a huge police truck.  Men were carrying some type of soft armor out of it.  We thought it might be a bomb squad.  So, while Roger was nosing at the window, with his binoculars and taking pictures (I would do the same thing hehehe), the police happened to notice him and shook a finger at him!

Yesterday, I joined Weight Watchers.  I dragged poor Roger with me as a guest visitor.  I had no idea the meeting would last 2 hours.  We went to Popeys right afterwards.....  What!?!??!?!  It was my "last meal!"  So, I will start the plan today.  I don't want to be fat anymore.  My lack of self discipline depresses me.  I'm hoping the WW support group and the accountability of weighing in each week will help.  Plus, the program has changed AGAIN, and looks super easy now.  Heck, if Jessica Simpson can do it, surely I can, too!  She has NO self discipline either!

Finally, I was just watching the news, and they were talking about the 6th bank robbery in Jax this year.  There's been 10 murders so far.  Three great white sharks.  Countless house fire deaths.  Wow, there's always something here.....

So, have a great Tuesday.  Be thankful, and think about how you can tell others how exciting YOUR life is!

This song is dedicated to the one I love......

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Not much Words.....

Well I don't have many words... Just listen the song.  I believe I'm very close to finding myself again here in Jacksonville- against all odds.  The most important thing I have is my wife next to me.

Blah Blah Blah

I was wrong yesterday about there being no shootings.  There was one.  Actually, I think there were two.

Anyway, Roger and I spent today at the St. Augustine Flea Market and then at Camping World looking at camping trailers.  I think he finally understands why I want an R.V.  They are super cool.  Now they are made with leather couches and cherry wood. Freakin' beautiful! And then we good beer cheese soup and fresh soft pretzels from the European Street Market before heading to Fans and Stoves for some antique shopping.  I didn't spend any money.  Yeah!!!!!!!  Then, we went to Chomp Chomp for dinner.  I had my favorite- the Westsider- a giant buffalo chicken breast over celery slaw and fresh blue cheese on a super fresh bun with a side salad.  Out of this world yummy.  Roger had the Chinoise Tacos.  He liked them, too!

I also found my new favorite website,  You can look at different rims on your own vehicle.  Here's the ones I want for my car.
Anyway, when you use the site, it shows you your car, in your stock  color with the rims you choose (exactly how they look in the pic).  I tried to paste the pic of my car with these red rims, but it wouldn't let me.

So, I added my husband back as an author on the blog.  His rights were revoked (by me) for lack of contributions.  He better get to posting before I kick him off again.  This is a joint effort, Roger, jeesh!

It's really cold tonight.  It's supposed to be in the 20's by morning.  Brrrr.  I feel bad for the homeless people. :(

Anyway, that's it.  Happy Saturday night.  Here's a song:

Friday, March 1, 2013

Today is my five  month wedding anniversary.  I have to admit, I'm so very glad it's Friday. It's been a long week!

I found a couple cool things this week:
  1. Amstel Light beer- decent flavor, 99 calories
  2. Cartoon Camera app- makes any picture you take with your phone look like a drawing.  See the picture I took from our bedroom window this morning below.
  3. Giant Kit Kat Bars- I actually found these last month, but I've eaten one every day this week!  (Don't tell Roger.) I'm trying a new approach.  I buy one in the morning, and because I like structure and like to count, I take 1 bite each hour starting at 1:00.  I finish my last bite at five.  I'm thinking if I only eat one bite an hour, it won't spike my blood sugar and may not turn into fat, because my body will have time to process it before I take another bite.  I'll let you know how that works! LOL! Anyway, you get a single giant bar in each wrapper.  It's yummy!

Last night, I had another jalapeno incident.  I made tacos, so of course I added jalapenos.  (I pretty much add them to everything lately.)  Anyway, I didn't wash my hands well enough (again) and burned my eye, eyelid, forehead, and cheek.  It was brutal this time. :(  I need to find better hand soap.

We had another bank robbery in Jax yesterday.  That's two in three weeks.  Plus another fire resulting in a death.  Miraculously, I don't think there were any shootings yesterday.

Yesterday, Roger and I received confirmation that we will sleep over at our church with the homeless next weekend.  That will be fun, and something to add to our resumes as community service. And, I start tutoring for Social Services tomorrow.  

Well, I guess I have to get out of bed and go to work now.  Boooooo.  Here's a Friday song: