Thursday, February 21, 2013

Now I Remember

Oh snap!  Now I remember the last thing I wanted to say: I want a hand gun.  I've never cared anything about guns.  I haven't been following all the debates about should we or shouldn't we restrict guns.  I didn't care.  But I've had three dreams recently that someone broke in our apartment. I'm a light sleeper (even in my dreams), so when they broke in, I heard it.  In each dream, I frantically tried to wake up Roger, but he did the same thing he does in real life: he sat up and said "What?! What's happening? What's wrong?" as loud as he could.  So, at this point, in my dreams, I knew the robbers were alerted to the fact that we knew they were in our apartment.  But since Roger and I don't own a gun, we were helpless.  There was nothing we could do but hold each other and wait while we hear the foot steps approaching our bedroom.  (Remember, we don't have doors in our place except for the bathrooms.

In one of the dreams, we hid in Roger's closet in his bathroom, but we were sitting ducks and we knew they were coming for us.

Anyway, the point is, I don't want to be helpless if something bad happens.  I don't want my only weapon to be a shoe, or "Fork Jesus" from the wall beside my bed......

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