Thursday, February 21, 2013

It Must Have Been the Velveeta and Jalapenos......

Yesterday was one of the happiest days I've had in a while.  I just decided to ignore everyone and be happy.  I went to work and smiled my brightest smile and said "Good Morning! Happy Wednesday!", even to those people who ignore me or act like I'm invisible or noticeably frown at me.  I didn't care.  And, by the end of the day, people who never talked to me before, were stopping by my cubicle to chat, or confiding their darkest secrets to me....

After work, I walked to the Phoenix Bar.  Roger agreed that we could have a weekly happy hour. It's within walking distance from home, and they have 2-for-1 specials on the local IPA beer that I really like.  So for $6.00, we can each have two good quality beers, and be in a young atmosphere with music and trendy people. :)

(As I'm typing this, there is the strangest sound that I've never heard before coming from one street over.  It sounds like a giant fog horn from a barge.  If I don't finish my post, something happened and you might want to check on me........ Never mind, it's gone now.....)

Anyway, so last night, Roger and I had the weirdest dreams.  We are both very active and imaginative dreamers, but last night we seemed to be more so.  He dreamt that we were rushing to find a secret meant for us and while we were doing so, a black cat was trying to follow us and come in our house to find out what the secret was.  In the end, the secret was that for us to be happy, we had to change and help others, and we had to convince other people that they have to change and help others, too.

I had two dreams that I can remember.  In the first one, I had to go to Denver Colorado for work.  And I was driving up this mountain side and noticed these beautiful purple flowers on the embankment.  So I pulled over to take a picture to send to Roger.  When I got out of this old green Ford Explorer, I heard this noise above me.  When I looked up the hill, I saw that something was ripping the trees out of the ground and they were starting to fall on the road around me.  It turned out that it was these giant moose/elk like animals.  And I mean GIANT.  They were running over trees to get to where I was so they could stomp me.  So, I jumped in the truck and started driving, trying to dodge these animals.  I shouted at one asking why they were doing this to me and he replied it was because I was on their land.  I told him I thought it was a public road, and that I was sorry, and that I would leave, but he said it was too late.  He was so big however, that every time he tried to jump on the truck, I ended up between his legs and torso.  I finally got away.

In the second dream, I was working for a bank and we were having a bank picnic in the park.  Alex was there as a 8 or 9 year old.  While we were by the lake, I suddenly sensed that something bad was about to happen, so I grabbed his arm and told him to start running.  We ran to a massive oak tree and I ordered him to start climbing.  We got about half way up and I realized that he was wearing a red collared shirt and we would probably be visible, so we climbed higher.  Then we waited and sure enough bad guys showed up with guns.  People started running everywhere and screaming.  Some of them passed our tree and saw us.  They begged us to let them up, but I insisted they keep going.  Finally guilt overwhelmed me and I agreed they could come up if they were quick and quiet.  Alex finally got tired of standing on the limb and I begged him to crawl in my lap so I could hold him.  He sat there for a second, put my face in his hands, and said, Mom, I don't want to live like this.  He kissed me and climbed down the tree and calmly walked to the lake where the bad men were.  That's when I woke up.

Some people always ask what you ate before you went to bed when you say you had bad dreams.  All I can think of is it must have been the macaroni, Velveeta and jalapenos..........

Now, I need to make sure I call Alex later to make sure he's o.k., especially in light of his current depressed state.

Oh, and now's the time for me to provide my public service announcement.  This one is about SunTrust.  Don't bank there!  I made a deposit last week by taking a picture of a check from my Seacoast account.  I watched the deposit in a pending state for two days.  That  was fine.  Finally, the funds became available at SunTrust and I checked my Seacoast account and saw the funds had been debited.  So, I paid some bills and made some purchases on-line.  The next morning, I checked my SunTrust account to see if a purchase was debited, and found that I was overdrawn. So then, I had to sneak in the supply room at work to make a phone call to customers service.  They told me my deposit was being held because they couldn't verify funds.  I tried to explain in my best whisper scream that the funds were being held, the funds were released, and the monies were already debited from my other account.  I asked if my items would be returned and they said possibly, and that I needed to go to the bank.  So I counted seconds until it would be acceptable for me to take my lunch break and walked the two blocks to SunTrust.  I explained to the teller (the only person working) what was happening and he gave me some canned response about he was sorry I had a bad experience.  He called customer service and they said the same sh** about my deposit being held because they couldn't reach Seacoast to verify my funds.  Livid, I called Seacoast my self and tried to get the teller to talk to the customer service rep. He refused.  Then, he hung up with his customer service and said, "O.K., we can call Seacoast now...."  AGGGGHHHHHH!  So, we called and he was told that actually the funds were debited from my account TWO DAYS PRIOR!  So, he released the hold.  Then, Monday, my renters insurance debit was denied when I had way more money than the premium that's auto debited from SunTrust every month.  So I had to go back yesterday to ask about that.  They claimed they never rejected the debit.  So, I closed my account. I don't have time for games or poor business practices.....  Two thumbs down!

Well, I was going to write something else, but I lost my train of thought.  It must be because my alarm clock keeps going off, advising that it's time for me to get up and face the world.

Oh, and a shout out to Theresa Rico for being the only person to respond to one of my questions yesterday.  Thank you my FFF!

I hope you have a great day.  Happy Thursday!!!!!!

Here's a song:

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