Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A day of questions.....

This week has been so hectic.  This is the first time I've had to visit my blog and compose some thoughts.  So, today I have some questions.  Since many people cannot sign in to write comments on directly in Blogger, please feel free to email me at if you have any answers for me.
  1. I have always said that everyone has a "given."  I call it the free-pass in life.  No matter what other chaos is in their life, they have that ONE thing going for them.  They are smart, or funny, or pretty, or rich, or have some kind of natural talent.  They are good at organizing, or baking, or have impeccable taste.  Well, I have never figured out what my "given is."  I don't know what MY one thing is that I can say, 'Well, at least I'm good at ___________,' or 'At least I'm ____________!'  Yes, I have super sweet grandparents and some extended family members who love me.  Yes, I have a husband beyond what I could have ever hoped for, but I'm talking about something that has to do with ME.  So, my question is, do you know or have any idea what my "given" is?
  2. Do you look at other people to get ideas of how life should be?  Sometime, I feel totally clueless how I'm supposed to be as a mom, or a wife, or a friend, or a sibling, or an employee, yada yada yada.....  So, I sit back and look at people, like an observer at the airport.  I try to see how people dress, or how they interact with each other, or listen to conversations that people have with their children.  I can't seem to find a manual for things like this, and I'm always desperately afraid that I'm failing.
  3. What do you think is the MOST important key to losing weight.  Exercise, protein, diet, some miracle food, genetics, ......?  
  4. What do you think financially successfully people do to get that way?  I look at people who have the multi-hundred-thousand dollar houses, that dress in only name brand clothes, drive cars that cost over $50k, send their children to college without blinking twice, eat out for lunch every day, and the list goes on.  I often wonder, how do they do it?; and what makes them different from me?  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not jealous.  I don't want most of the things I just listed.  I just want to live beyond paycheck to paycheck.  Here's the four things I would change if I had money: A) I would pay for Alex to go to school, including room, board, and a modest vehicle; B) I would buy a giant warehouse and covert it into a loft house, with open living space upstairs, and a car garage, photo studio and art studios downstairs.  Like this picture below.  C) I would plan a three week vacation every year to a different country and be able to buy whatever I wanted (only on the trip); and 4) I would pay off all my credit cards, student loan, and car without anyone's help.  I don't want a fancy car, or fancy clothes, or jewelry, or a four bedroom house with a pool.... :)Starke But still, how do other people do it?  Do they make more money, invest wisely, gamble successfully, have family money?  What is it they do?
  5. What would you do if your child kept saying he didn't want to live any more?  Alex keeps saying this because life isn't going his way.  I keep offering to go get him and provide a roof and shelter and help him get on his feet, but he doesn't want it.  I keep asking him what he DOES want, but he doesn't know.  My greatest fear is that I'll do the wrong thing and he'll be dead and I can never undo my actions or lack of actions.  Any suggestions?
  6. And last, because we HAVE to end on a happy note, what makes you happy?  A funny movie, a call from a friend, happy hour, a visit with a loved one, a blind date, a good day at work.... What makes you happy?
I hope you have a super great Wednesday!  Thank you for reading my blog.

Here's a song:

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