Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Egg Incident

I decided to make breakfast for my fellas.  I pulled out the eggs, bacon, fruit, and raisin bread.  I grabed a brown egg and cracked it, but the shell was so thin that the top “popped” off, and half the egg went on the counter and half in the bowl.  Well, brilliant me, tried to scoop the half on the counter in to the bowl, and part of it ended up going between the shelves and the sink.  The other half went neatly into our very heavy woven rope rug.
Then, I tried to dump the half that made it in the bowl in the trash.  Well, I missed again.  Half of it went on my pink smiley face sock and the other half ran down the front of the trash can.
Please God, please don’t let this be indicative of how my day will be.  At least I don’t have egg on my face.  Hahahahaha
Happy Sunday!

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