Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The "I Wants"

Recently, I've had a bad case of the "I wants".  Here's a few things on my list.

I want:
  • a house with hardwood floors, a porch, a fire place and a pool.
  • an all white bull terrier puppy.
  • a good pair of running shoes.
  • a seamstress to sew about ten basic garments to create a new wardrobe.
  • a comfortable, feminine, classy pair of work shoes.
  • a stylish hair cut and color.
  • a new leather sectional couch.
  • to win the lottery  (why not dream big?!?)
  • a chin lift.
  • to go to Ireland for my 40th birthday in December.
That's it.  Not much, right?  So I keep trying to convince myself that the universe will provide these things to me, but it's not working.  Kind of like trying to will the universe to persuade the IRS to give me my stinking tax refund..... Sigh.

I will have one of these things by the end of next week.  I've already decided. :)

Here's a song.  Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Terrific Tuesday!

Today was a pretty good day.  Work was uneventful.  I had a session with the personal trainer at lunch, and was actually able to keep up.

When I got home Roger and I moved our dining room table from our spare bedroom to our living room and actually ate dinner at a table for the 2nd time since moving in.  We had bison stew.  Yumm.

Now we're watching America's Funniest Videos and looking for houses on the internet.

This weekend, we're headed to North Carolina to visit my family.

Today I feel at peace.

Here's a song!!!!  Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pig Feet

Roger has been practicing with his new tattoo gun.  Over the weekend, he really, really wanted to adorn my skin with a new piece of art.  Stalling, I told him he needs to practice a little more.

So, today, I came home from work.  He gave me a giant hug and shoved a pig foot in my face.  "See!," he said, "I can do it!"

Sigh.......  I guess it wouldn't hurt to let him try.  Who knows, one day I might be able to tell people I got the first Roger Caceres tattoo!

(I drew the line at finding a way to cook the foot for dinner......"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Two Minute Low-Down

So, because I'm about to fall into bed and watch the new episode of Law and Order, all I can offer is a two-minute low-down.....

I took Friday off and went to visit Alex.  Had a super great time. Distance and time has most def strengthened our relationship.  There's a cute pic we took in the car, but he'll have to re-send it to me so I can post it.  He finally started university on Monday and moves into his first apartment today.  I think he's a little scared or intimidated because he told me he'll probably crash at my sister's place tonight.  Poor pookie.

Today was day 16 of my super diet and personal trainer.  Every muscle in my body hurts.  Today he worked us so hard that I threw up.  Have you ever tried running with 10 lb boobs?  Seriously!  Sometimes I come home and beg Roger to just hold them up for me for 1 minute.  My trainer has no sympathy.  And, today was my first weigh-in.  I lost 9 lbs.

And finally, I came home tonight to find my husband bought a tattoo gun AND gave himself a tattoo.  He's actually offended that I won't let him practice on me.

Oh wait.... one more thing.  The IRS sucks.  I WANT MY TAX RETURN!!!!!!!

OHHHHHH, ohhhhhh, oohhhhh, and one more last, last thing.  We are winning the lottery tonight.  I just know it.  The guy at the store promised me it was the winning ticket!!!!

Peace outside.  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Festive Weekend

I had a blast today. I went to TWO festivals!

First, the Shrimp Fest in Fernandina Beach.

There were hundreds of art vendors and lots and lots of shrimp dishes.  And, I am super proud of myself.  Remember the diet I mentioned yesterday?  Well I stuck to it (pretty well) today.  From ALL those shrimp selections, I picked cajun boiled shrimp.  I did cheat, however, by eating 1 1/2 small coconut shrimp and one 2" x 2" square of shrimp pizza.  And I have to say, the cheating wasn't worth it, because the cheat items weren't that good.

Anyway, it was so beautiful out today.  So, I decided to head to another festival- the World of Nations.  There were booths from about 30 countries that sold typical touristy stuff and traditional foods.  The only problem was the rain from the last three days turned the ground into a muddy, slippery mess.   My favorite booths were Palestine and Puerto Rico.  The Palestinians are beautiful people.  You can't help but just stare at them in awe.  And, the Puerto Ricans are a lot of fun!  They just ate and danced, and danced and danced. I, however, didn't eat.  The only foods that looked appealing were the churros and the pina coladas in giant cored-out pineapples.  Neither of these are on my list of foods I'm allowed to eat.  I checked twice, but no.  So, I passed.  (Another pat on the back for me.) (And I would have shared a link for the festival, but the COJ is too cheap for marketing.)

That was it.  Now I must muster up the energy to do some of the things from my exercise list.  I am able to walk at a normal pace now, thanks to a supplement I found at the health food store,called Curcumin.  It's a substance that appears in Tumeric.  The stuff works magic on sore muscles.

Well, that's it for today.  It's going to be a great week.  Wednesday night I go to Tampa to see Alex.  It's been about four months since I saw him last.  Wheeeeeeee!

Have a great week.

Here's a song.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Oh Happy Day!

I did it.  Finally!  I am finding my own groove.  Eight days strong now.  I have been only eating 1000 calories or less of super healthy food.  I haven't had any alcohol or cigarettes.  I signed up with a personal trainer who kicked my a** for two days this week.  And the biggie........ Roger went away for two days, and I didn't worry, or get upset, or obsess over being alone.  Actually, I had a super great time!

I watched half of the House of Cards series on Netflix.  Ran around the apartment in what ever I wanted.  Took a long, hot bath.  I got a pedicure with Cajun Shrimp polish and my eyebrows were waxed.  I saw the movie Pain and Gain, which was very funny.  I went to the Auto Zone by myself and smiled big, and the manager was happy to change out a fuse for me for free while it was sprinkling. I did some shopping at the mall, and didn't spend a penny (besides my Subway salad).  And, I'm truly happy.

I read last night that if you want someone's attention, stop giving them yours.  Well (plug your ears Roger), normally when Roger goes away, I tend to fall on his back burner, and he forgets to communicate with me.  Not a wise choice when your wife has anxiety.

Anyway, I tried it.  Actually, I had so much fun it was effortless.  And, it works.  I had more contact with him in the last 24 hours than I did during one week that he was in Peru.

Go me!  I'm super, uber proud of myself.

And, if you'll notice, I am writing on my blog.  Wheeeeeeee!

Thank you for sticking with me.